Magnesium Fire Starter

Original price was: $5.15.Current price is: $4.95.

(as of 05/17/2018 at 04:23 UTC)

SE is proud to present our Magnesium Fire Starter—the perfect addition to your gear for camping, hiking, trekking, boating, hunting, etc., as well as your emergency or survival kits.

How to Use a Fire Starter:

(1) Gather tinder: twigs, dead branches, dry bark, grass, pine needles, lint or paper…

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SKU: B0010O748Q Category:


SE is proud to present our Magnesium Fire Starter—the perfect addition to your gear for camping, hiking, trekking, boating, hunting, etc., as well as your emergency or survival kits.

How to Use a Fire Starter:

(1) Gather tinder: twigs, dead branches, dry bark, grass, pine needles, lint or paper.
(2) Hold the magnesium rod at an angle above your tinder pile.
(3) Use the striker to scrape along the length of the magnesium rod to create shavings.
(4) Let the shavings fall onto your tinder pile.
(5) Keep scraping until you’ve scraped a pile of shavings approximately the size of a quarter.
(5) Hold the flint at an angle over the pile of magnesium shavings, and then forcefully slide your striker along the length of the flint to create sparks.
(6) Continue to slide your striker against the flint until the sparks you’ve created land directly onto the pile of magnesium shavings & tinder and ignite the fire.
(7) Once ignited, blow gently on the magnesium shavings to spread the flames to the rest of your tinder.

Please Note for First Time Use:

Scrape the layer of paint off the magnesium before using it to start a fire.

SE is committed to providing the customer with the best source for value possible on the market. You will enjoy the quality, function and usefulness this Magnesium Fire Starter has to offer.

SE is a registered trademark protected by US Trademark Law.


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